2023-2024 Capstone Projects

Using RAG to Build a Conversational Model on the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia

Large language models (LLMs) have been the talk of the tech town since the introduction of the transformer architectures. Recently, OpenAI launched GPT agents, which are conversational assistants designed for specific areas. Our paper presents a conversational agent that focuses on Armenian Criminal Law. We have experimented with different models and techniques to adapt the assistant to legal data, finding some methods more effective than others. Our model enables the user to ask questions about laws or cases and get straightforward, clear answers. This project aims to make it easier for people to access and understand legal information, simplifying the process of getting legal help.

Students: Armine Papikyan, Khoren Movsisyan

Supervisor: Vahan Petrosyan

Data Privacy in Machine Learning: Differential Privacy and Federated Learning

The capstone project aims to train machine learning (ML) models with differential privacy (DP) algorithms to provide data privacy. We focus on a scenario where central DP is applied on models with black-box access to ensure user-level privacy. We train both Neural Network and Logistic Regression models by applying DP with the Gaussian mechanism, DP-SGD algorithm, on a sensitive Census Adult dataset to ensure DP guarantees. The project aims to compare the results of manual implementations of DP with the existing DP libraries, as well as to maintain high accuracy parallel to privacy. Furthermore, we explore federated learning with differential privacy to preserve model training privacy across decentralized devices. The project’s target audience includes companies and individuals that provide ML services as an API or provide models with trained parameters to third parties.

Keywords: Data Privacy, Machine Learning, Differential Privacy, Federated Learning, DP-SGD, Privacy Preservation

Students: Aida Martirosyan, Anna Misakyan

Supervisor: Elen Vardanyan

Theoretical and Experimental Forecasting of Light-Matter Interaction Dynamics Through Different Architectures of Physics-Informed Neural Networks

This paper explores the application of Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) in both experimental and theoretical physics, as evidenced by a comprehensive review of the relevant literature. It includes numerical simulations and real-world experiments conducted on synthetic and empirical datasets. The synthetic dataset was generated using a numerical method with a fixed seed to ensure reproducibility. Specifically, the focus is on light-matter interaction dynamics under varying external conditions, such as different electric fields. Various neural network architectures were employed to construct PINNs, which were then used to predict the complex dynamics of physical phenomena, such as the liquid crystal behavior of molecules during reorientation. The architectures utilized range from simple deep neural networks to more computationally intensive dense networks, with the latter providing more precise results despite being heavy for training. The paper presents the outcomes associated with different initial parameters of the used architectures, highlighting the advantages and drawbacks of each approach. Due to the extensive data involved in the experimental part of the research, the experimental data, being heavy, can be found following this link: MEGA link. Additionally, all capstone project-related files, including Jupyter notebooks, Python files, result images, and videos, are available in this GitHub repository: GitHub Repository.

Students: Hakob Janesian, Vahan Yeranosyan

Supervisor: Aleksandr Hayrapetyan

The Hateful Memes Challenge: Detecting Hate Speech in Multi-Modal Memes

In today’s digitalized world, protecting people from the vulnerabilities associated with online hate is crucial. Detecting and addressing hate speech is essential for maintaining a safe and respectful online environment. So far, many machine learning models have been developed to identify hate speech for unimodal inputs, such as social media post captions, comments, statuses, and more. However, the challenge gets even more intense when the input becomes multimodal. It is crucial to recognize the importance of solving this issue since the world itself is not unimodal, and everything we see depends on grasping the content not unimodally but understanding the whole meaning. We decided to tackle this issue by introducing a method based on vision-text models to solve the Hateful Memes Challenge [KFM+20], which is about classifying the memes into two classes: hateful and non-hateful. Understanding the multimodal interpretation is essential for solving the challenge of hateful memes. This is because the images or texts on the memes can be harmless on their own, but they can be hateful together. This project aims to investigate and develop effective methods for detecting hate speech in multimodal memes.

All the codes for the projects can be found at github.com/narinemarutyan/Hateful-Memes-CLIP

Students: Narine Marutyan, Alissa Jouljian 

Supervisor: Vahan Huroyan

SmartAdvisor University Chatbot

The project leverages the capabilities of text-generation models to present an innovative, personalized academic counselor chatbot. The main objective is to develop a thorough resource that incorporates the knowledge on university courses for students. Utilizing a vector database along with a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, as well as integrating a user-friendly UI that makes interaction and navigation simple, the chatbot may answer questions about individual courses and provide information by semester, course descriptions, and prerequisites. By pursuing this approach, the project aims to substantially enhance the student experience in academic guidance and course selection.

Students: Lilit Galstyan, Hovhannes Martirosyan 

Supervisor: Elen Vardanyan, Khajak Vahanyan

Armenian Speech-to-Text Recognition

This project aims to address the need for Speech to-Text Recognition (STR) technology in the Armenian language by creating a practical and efficient system. Leveraging pre-trained Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models, the project fine-tunes them using the latest releases (16.1 and 17.0) of the Common Voice Armenian Audio Dataset. Through a sophisticated ecosystem comprising frontend and backend components integrated with MongoDB for data management and hosted on a cloud-based server, the project aims to deliver a practical and efficient web app. The web app offers users a user-friendly platform to experiment with different speech recognition models, such as Whisper, Vaw2Vec2, Quartznet, Citrinet, and more, to transcribe audio recordings and manage their transcription history. Through a comprehensive account of the development process, including encountered challenges and implemented solutions, this project seeks to advance the field of speech-to-text recognition while advocating for the integration of the Armenian language into modern digital communication.

Students: Anahit Baghdasaryan, Tigran Gaplanyan , Sanasar Hambardzumyan,

Supervisor: Elen Vardanyan

Learning-Based Financial Price Prediction and Visualization on Cloud Platform

Nowadays investments in stock prices are a core pillar of market economy. There are many factors that may affect the industry and; hence, the prices. Those factors may include inflation, market prices, industry trends and most importantly supply and demand. In order to predict stock prices and catch volatility of prices, this project incorporates advanced understanding of Machine Learning(ML) with a user-friendly representation of the insights through the integration of Google Cloud Platform(GCP) and the Looker Studio in the project.

Index Terms— GCP, Time Series, Stock Market, RNN, LSTM, AutoEncoder, Looker

Students: Esfira Babajanyan, Margarita Harutyunyan, Natali Hovhannisyan,

Supervisor: Aleksandr Hayrapetyan

Pulse of the Nation: A Statistical Investigation into the Vital Signs of Armenian Healthcare

The exploration of Armenia’s healthcare system proved to be both fascinating and a handful of challenges. In our capstone project, we set the ambitious goal to thoroughly investigate health insurance in Armenia. This required us to navigate through a lot of obstacles, however having the clear goal in mind we were able to pass right through these difficulties. Over several months, our team dedicated itself to gathering relevant data, which involved extensive research and collaborations with healthcare insurance companies. Due to all of the effort we were not only able to get the needed data but were successful in the data cleaning stage - another crucial part of the capstone project. Through our persistent work, we were able to reach the needed results and identify patterns and trends within the data. Our analysis included data visualizations, which were crucial in making the complex information more accessible and understandable. These visualizations were not only instrumental in our analysis but also enhanced our final R shiny dashboard. The R shiny dashboard are effectively showcasing our findings, allowing us to present our findings in a dynamic and interactive format. The ability to manipulate the visual data in real-time will our audience with a clearer understanding of the health insurance landscape in Armenia. This capstone project is not only showing our analytical and programming skills but also deepens our understanding of Armenia’s healthcare system. This was an excellent opportunity to handle real-world data and present it in an impactful, user-friendly manner. In this report, we will dig deeper into each stage of our capstone project. We will take a look at how the data was gathered and how it was cleaned and analyzed. We will go over our visualizations and findings, and we’ll talk about how the R shiny dashboard was created.

Students: Anush Aghinyan, Yeva Avetisyan

Supervisor: Gurgen Hovakimyan

Deciphering Patterns in High-Profile GitHub Open-Source Projects

This capstone project, "Deciphering Patterns in High-Profile GitHub Open Source Projects," aims to discover hidden underlying patterns among popular repositories that contribute to their success. Those repositories that are included in our study are open-source projects taken from GitHub. GitHub is a very popular platform for version control and collaborative development of projects that provides a diverse set of repositories. As it is a very well-known and popular platform for software developers, it is crucial to know what features contribute to the popularity of a repository. This study attempts to discover and explore patterns within the repositories by conducting a thorough data analysis followed by machine learning techniques in order to provide meaningful insights into the features that influence the popularity of the projects, including various variables such as the programming language, community engagement, etc.

Students: Inna Krmoyan, Gor Mkrtchyan

Supervisor: Arman Asryan

Multimodal Emotion Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Our project is a multimodal emotion identification system that can accurately detect human emotions based on facial expressions and voice, utilizing deep learning techniques, specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The goal of our project is to accurately predict 7 main human emotions (angry, disgusted, fearful, happy, neutral, sad, surprised) from facial expressions captured in images and from voice with the help of recordings. Our system mainly uses the TensorFlow Python library for the preprocessing of the data (both images and voice recordings), building and training the neural network systems, and evaluating their final performance. In the final stage, mixing the Python libraries with the JavaScript libraries, we added the camera and voice recording functions to make the models work in a live performance. We have also integrated the models in both ways, simple and hybrid. In the simple integration facial emotion detection and voice recognition models work independently, however, in the hybrid one they are connected and the outcome of both models align or not.

Students: Vahagn Tovmasyan, Hayk Khachatryan

Supervisor: Anna Tshngryan

Enhancing Bank Website Accessibility and User Experience through an AI-Driven Information Assistant

The Bank Information Retrieval Assistant (BIRA) is an innovative chatbot developed on the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, leveraging LangChain and Streamlit technologies to offer real-time, intelligent customer assistance. Utilizing the OpenAI API, BIRA uses data (English & Armenian) scraped from the ConverseBank and InecoBank websites to provide precise, on-demand responses to customer inquiries. Designed to operate 24/7, BIRA significantly enhances the customer experience by delivering immediate and accurate responses concerning bank services and products, thus eliminating the need for customers to navigate through complex website structures. By automating interactions with a chatbot that understands and responds to user needs effectively, BIRA offers personalized, swift, and effortless assistance. Initially launched in English, the successful implementation led to the subsequent integration of Armenian language support, replicating all developmental stages to fit multilingual interactions and broaden user accessibility. This paper outlines the main objectives of BIRA, addressing common issues such as inaccurate search functionalities and poor user guidance on bank websites and reflecting on the system’s ability to substantially reduce customer service overheads. Looking forward, continuous enhancements are planned through updates to ChromaDB and the potential integration of a user feedback mechanism to dynamically improve response accuracy. These advancements will ensure BIRA remains at the cutting edge of technology, continually evolving to meet user expectations and expanding its impact within the banking industry.

Students: Artur Avagyan, Davit Davtyan

Supervisor: Aram Butavyan

Armenia’s First Virtual Influencer

In an era where virtual personas are getting popular in social spaces daily, creating virtual influencers and bloggers through AI changes our perspective of how we engage with online platforms and content. This paper presents the development of an Armenian virtual influencer - Sahmi, with the integration of different AI tools, who can automatically share various types of content, such as fashion trends, travel experiences, etc, on Instagram. With the help of the Realistic_Vision_V2.0 model of Stable Diffusion, deep fake technology, automatic captioning, and automatic Instagram posting, we have created a virtual influencer that looks realistic and can preserve its identity in different scenarios. It was possible to achieve this with the DreamBooth- fine-tuning method. During our research, we explored different models and techniques to achieve the best possible outcome with limited resources integrated. Our research also discusses how AI can be applied in the future in social media and digital communication.

Students: Natela Azoyan, Ofelya Stepanyan

Supervisor: Elen Vardanyan

Development of a Data Pipeline for Sentiment and Similarity Analysis in Stack Overflow’s Programming Language Discussions

This capstone project presents a data pipeline development for sentiment and similarity analysis of programming language discussions in the StackOverflow environment during the month of April 2024. By employing advanced language model technologies, the study systematically classifies emotional content and recognizes similarities across user interactions. Selenium and StackExchange Data Explorer were used to achieve an automated, up-to-date data collection, with the data processing executed in Python and stored within Google Cloud’s BigQuery. EmoRoBERTa was employed to specify the principal emotional tones and precise sentiments associated with distinct programming issues. The sentiment analysis showed that 30% of user interactions contained various emotions, including anger, disappointment, and others. Simultaneously, the Sentence-BERT model and cosine similarity assessments were used to take out similar or almost identical posts to prevent the possible issue of accidental duplicate questions. The model was able to detect identical posts across the StackOverflow programming languages discussions with a similarity score of above 95%. The project improves the understanding of the community dynamic on the StackOverflow website with the help of studies of different algorithms and methods while revealing the potential of applying sophisticated natural language processing techniques to complex, real-world datasets.

Students: Anahit Zakaryan, Maria Paytyan

Supervisor: Arman Asryan

Travel Advisor

Traveling has always been popular among people from all around the world. Sometimes people face hardships traveling to their desired places because they lack knowledge about where to travel to. They do not have time to look through different cities and parts of the world, review the feedback from other travelers in order to be able make decisions. Travel Advisor allows future travelers to get a prediction for their perfect destination to travel to having a simple input of several words. Being trained on about 20,000 distinct and unique text data points, the Travel Advisor is capable to predict a travel destination from 12 different famous cities among travelers. Travel Advisor predicts based on a text input of activities, words that a future traveler inputs. Usually, the input includes activities that travelers would like to do while being on vacation.

Students: Liana Avagyan, Artyom Ghazaryan

Supervisor: Anna Tshngryan


Advanced Detection and Segmentation of Unused Lands in Saudi Arabian Cities for Urban Development

With the rapid urbanization and increasing demands in the real estate sector, the need for precise identification and utilization of urban land resources has become paramount. This paper delves into the precise detection of urban unused lands in Saudi Arabian cities, leveraging satellite imagery. While YOLO (You Only Look Once) models, notably YOLOv8, are instrumental tools for object detection and image segmentation tasks, this study places a significant focus on the crucial aspect of data collection. Through thorough data processing and deep learning techniques, our aim is to delineate these underutilized areas, offering valuable insights for urban planning and land management initiatives. The paper provides detailed insights into the process of data collection, the acquisition of high-resolution satellite imagery and the delineation of polygons representing unused land parcels. Special attention is devoted to the challenges inherent to urban data collection, highlighting the complexities and methodologies specific to this context. The research emphasizes the importance of rigorous data collection methods in accurately identifying urban land features.

Keywords: YOLO, urban, segmentation, detection, evaluation metrics

Students: Emma Hovhannisyan

Supervisor: Gevorg Yeghikyan

Tumor-Only Mutation Calling with Supervised Learning

Identifying somatic mutations in tumor genomes is crucial for cancer diagnosis, treatment, and research. Traditional mutation-calling approaches typically require paired samples of tumor and normal tissues to differentiate between the somatic and germline variants. This paper presents a novel supervised learning approach for mutation calling that relies solely on tumor genome data, eliminating the need for normal sample sequencing which reduces cost and saves time. Here we use LightGBM model to perform the task of classifying the mutation types in tumor samples using a combination of genomic features. Our method involves extensive training using a dataset of known mutations from cancer patients, which allows the model to learn the distinguishing characteristics of somatic and germline variants. In this paper, you will see how different approaches and designs have improved the performance. We also illustrate the robustness of our approach across various cancer types and calculate tumor-mutational burden (TMB). This innovation not only reduces the sample requirements and cost of genomic analysis but also has significant implications for precision oncology, where rapid and accurate mutation profiling is critical for personalized treatment strategies.

Index Terms— Tumor-Only Mutation calling, Tumor mutation burden, Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Classification, Somatic, Germline.

Students: Aram Adamyan

Supervisor: Boris Shpak


Deciphering the Temporal Changes in Microbiome Communities

Living organisms harbor diverse bacterial commu- nities, collectively termed as microbiome, residing in areas such as the gut and skin. Alterations in microbiome composition in hu- man body are linked to numerous disorders, from inflammatory bowel disease to colorectal cancer. The analysis of microbiome datasets poorly deals with the dynamic nature of the com- munities. Approaches that take the microbial interactions into accounts are needed. This paper aims to integrate graph theory and single cell transcriptomics methodologies into microbiome data analysis which will untangle the complex web of interactions within microbial communities and between these communities and their hosts.

Index Terms—microbial communities, subgraph analysis, mi-crobiome velocity, pseudotime analysis, mathematical modeling

Students: Lusine Adunts

Supervisor: Lilit Nersisyan


An Effect of Violating Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables in Bayesian Statistical Modeling

In statistical modeling, the precise choice of methods is closely related to the assumptions about the data, the violation of which can yield biased results. Bayesian statistics uses a descriptive approach to model formulation and, thus, heavily relies on data-related assumptions. One common assumption is the independent and identical distribution of variables (i.i.d.). The present research paper discusses the effect of violating i.i.d. in Bayesian modeling for two types of parameter estimation. The estimated parameters are the mean for one type and the correlation for the other. The effect of the violation was tested using synthetically generated data under two conditions: (i) the i.i.d. assumption was satisfied, and (ii) the i.i.d. assumption was not satisfied. The analysis of the obtained results showed that some models were more susceptible to the violation of i.i.d. than others, given the inconsistency between the assumptions used in the model formulation and the features of the data.

Index Terms— Bayesian Statistical Modeling; Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables; Parameter Estimation

Students: Ani Gumruyan

Supervisor: Tadamasa Sawada


Advanced Number Plate Recognition for Speed Violation Detection: A Systematic Study and Implementation

This paper presents the design and implementation of a vehicle speed detection system using footage captured from 2 or more cameras. These devices are placed at fixed locations with known distance between them, enabling the calculation of vehicle speeds based on the time taken for a vehicle to traverse the known distance. The system employs Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) techniques such as You Only Look Once (YOLO) object detection algorithm and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for text extraction. Later are used to identify vehicles, measure the time taken for traversal, and calculate average speeds using the formula V = D/t. Additionally, a database is utilized to manage all vehicles’ license plate recognition data.

Index Terms— Vehicle Speed Detection, Real-time Data Management, You Only Look Once, Video Processing, Speed Violation Detection, ANPR, Real-time Object Detection

Students: Hayk Hovhannisyan

Supervisor: Davit Ghazaryan


An Oberon-based Data Frame Tool: Balancing Simplicity and Performance

This paper introduces a lightweight, user-friendly, and efficient command-line tool for interacting with tabular data and dataframes, developed using the Oberon programming language. The tool addresses the challenges of existing solutions that often trade-off between simplicity and functionality. The Oberon-based data frame tool offers a balance between these aspects while maintaining a focus on ease of use and performance. The design choices prioritize efficiency and flexibility. The core Frame module utilizes a generic data structure to handle various file formats without compromising core functionalities. Loaders and writers are implemented as separate modules, enabling format-agnostic data handling. Additionally, the stats module offers basic statistical analysis on data frames, demonstrating the tool’s utility for data exploration tasks. Performance analysis reveals that the Oberon-based tool outperforms Python’s Pandas library and the csvkit suite in terms of execution speed, highlighting the benefits of native code generation and strong typing offered by Oberon.

Keywords: Oberon, data frame, CSV, command-line tool, data exploration, performance analysis

Students: Irena Torosyan

Supervisor: Norayr Chilingaryan


Detecting Ethereum Mixers

This paper aims to investigate the role of non- custodial, trustless coin mixers, with the main focus on the notorious Tornado Cash mixer on the Ethereum blockchain. Through manual code review and experimental analysis, it was possible to identify patterns and characteristics unique to mixers. The proposed heuristic, based on deposit and withdrawal functions, aims to aid regulatory bodies in detecting potential illicit activities. Leveraging the available data analysis tools, it was possible to refine the detection model and integrate heuristics for improved accuracy. Overall, the research contributes to understanding privacy mechanisms on Ethereum and offers insights for regulatory compliance and financial crime prevention as well as brings to the playground a methodology for further refinement and research.

Students: Amanda Akopova

Supervisor: Tigran Piliposyan


Applying Novel Graph Neural Networks for Multi-Task Prediction of Carcinogenicity

As the necessary tests for the preliminary assessment of drug carcinogenicity are time-consuming and expensive, the methods to predict their results using machine learning models become more and more popular. However, it is often the case that the dataset with labeled molecules is small. We try to address the problem by training the model on several tasks simultaneously using the one-primary multiple-auxiliaries approach which enables us to leverage other datasets besides the one for the primary task thus solving the problem of small datasets. We show that the results for in-vivo rat carcinogenicity improve when using carefully chosen auxiliary tasks.

Students: Hrach Yeghiazaryan

Supervisor: Zaven Navoyan


Sound-to-Vibration Conversion for Deaf Accessibility

The main goal of this project is to help the deaf community or people with hearing impairment to live a more productive and safe life. For solving that important problem this project focuses on two specific types of environmental sounds: road noises and emergency sirens. These are the main types of environmental sounds which are needed to warn people of potential dangers. This project uses unsupervised machine learning models to analyze and classify those sounds. The selection of the model was made based on the experiments on available data. Since the data doesn’t distinguish different types of road noise or emergency sirens, we used a clustering technique to group similar sounds without prior knowledge of their specific categories. The final model can distinguish between different types of road noise and emergency vehicle sirens by detecting patterns in the data. The practical part of this research is embodied in a prototype glove. This glove converts recognized sounds into vibrations. The intensity and pattern of these vibrations vary by decibel. By translating auditory signals into tactile ones, the glove helps deaf people better understand important sounds in their environment. There is also a screen on the glove that shows the type and group of the given sound.

Students: Anahit Manukyan

Supervisor: Gagik Khalafyan


Sentiment Analysis of News Entities in Armenia

The rapid proliferation of online news sources has led to a wealth of information that can be analyzed to gain insights into public sentiment and opinions about various entities and topics. This paper aims to explore and harness the capabilities of  OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, a large language model (LLM), as an easily accessible text processing component, specifically for sentiment analysis. We show the advantages and disadvantages of integrating an LLM as a component, we look for relationships among entities and build a methodologically simple sentiment estimator to infer the sentiment of all the entities within the scraped dataset.

Keywords: News.am, Tert.am, Armenpress, news, sentiment analysis, LLM

Students: Mher Movsisyan

Supervisor: Rafayel Shirakyan


CRM Retention Workload Automation for iGaming Company

In the rapidly developing sphere of iGaming, sustaining customer loyalty is crucial for the success of companies in this dynamic industry. The purpose of this Capstone project is to enhance the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) of one of the Armenian gaming companies with an innovative approach by automating the Customer Retention team’s workload processes. The current manual CRM practices often result in inefficiencies, errors and delays in addressing customer needs, leading to potential customer dissatisfaction and churn. The aim of this project is to create an automated system that will optimize CRM retention workload and make it more efficient and effective. The system will help the company to increase customer satisfaction as it will reduce manual intervention and enable employees to provide timely, personalized interactions to customer preferences, behaviors and engagement.

Students: Esmila Sahakyan

Supervisor: Hripsime Atanyan


Enhancing Book Recommendations in Local Bookstores: A Case Study of Zangak Bookstore

This paper suggests a customized approach for bookstore recommendation algorithms using Zangak Bookstore as a case study. With the help of content-based filtering and modern natural language processing algorithms, our models generate personalized book recommendations based on customer interests, past experiences, and book characteristics. The process uses content-based filtering to create item representations based on attributes, including titles, authors, languages, and descriptions. We use the KeyBert model to extract essential keywords from translated descriptions to improve the quality of recommendations. Based on the book’s features, the paper presents two primary models mentioned in Chapter 4. Subsequently, the models undergo expansion to consider customers’ preferences based on their past purchases. Eventually, the resulting extended model integrates the two previous methodologies. Our methodology presents a fresh approach to tailored book recommendations for local bookstores in Armenia, improving customers’ browsing and buying experiences, specifically at Zangak Bookstore, and possibly contributing to the broader e-commerce scene.

Keywords: Recommendation systems, Books, Zangak Bookstore, Content-based filtering, KeyBert, BERT, Translation, Keyword Extraction

Students: Mane Davtyan

Supervisor: Aram Butavyan


Event-Based Timeline Generation for Document Analysis

This paper details a capstone project that leverages OpenAI APIs and text processing tools to automate timeline generation in investment arbitration using data from the FDIMOOT competition. The project integrates multiple OpenAI APIs, such as GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 Turbo with vision capabilities, to extract, clean, and analyze textual data from documents, converting them into a structured timeline of events. This methodology addresses the complexities and inefficiencies associated with manual timeline construction in legal documents. Key outcomes demonstrate the potential of OpenAI-driven processes to enhance accuracy and efficiency in legal data analysis. This paper explores the methods used, discusses the results, and acknowledges limitations while proposing future research directions.

Index Terms— Timeline Generation, OpenAI APIs, Document Analysis

Students: Maria Miskaryan

Supervisor: Aram Aghababyan


Fraud Detection Tool

Utilizing machine learning algorithms has proven to be a potent method for managing risk and preventing financial fraud. However, the requirement for coding expertise and deep knowledge of machine learning stands as a barrier for users who need such skills. This study offers an innovative, user-friendly framework that uses machine learning to address this difficulty. The paper studies the performance of three machine learning models, Random Forest, SVM, and XGboost, to classify, detect, and predict fraudulent transactions.

Keywords: Fraud detection, machine learning, risk management tool, data cleaning, data visualization, classification, machine learning algorithms, streamlit, random forest, XGboost, SVM, finance, detection models, dynamic

Students: Aleksandr Shaghbatyan

Supervisor: Gurgen Hovakimyan


Efficiently Fine-Tuning MusicGen For Text Conditioned Armenian Music Generation

Composing music is traditionally a realm of human creativity, intuition, and emotion. However, recent advancements in deep learning algorithms have opened directions for the exploration of automated music generation. The primary objective of this research is to create a generative AI model capable of producing moderate-sounding compositions that resonate with the cultural nuances of Armenia. We seek to expand the realm of creative possibilities in Armenian music composition and to contribute to the preservation and promotion of Armenian cultural heritage. We employ the MusicGen model for text-to-music generation with efficient implementation of the training pipeline, significantly enhancing both speed and memory utilization. The MusicGen small checkpoint is fine-tuned on a musical corpus of 62.8 hours of Armenian music extracted from the internet. The results were satisfactory where the human evaluators provided on average a rating of 3.84 points from 5 regarding the generated music quality and 3.96 points from 5 concerning the relevance of the given text condition to the generation, indicating the model’s ability to generate adequate sounding Armenian compositions aligning with the textual descriptions provided to the model. By pioneering the development of an advanced music generation model for Armenian music, we not only showcase the potential of artificial intelligence in creative domains but also foster Armenian cultural appreciation and innovation.

Keywords: MusicGen, Generative AI, Armenian Music Generation, Transformers, Music.

Students: Hrayr Muradyan

Supervisor: Karlos Muradyan


Predicting Car Prices Based on Secondary Market Data in Armenia

The main objective of this capstone work is to create and implement a car price prediction system based on the analysis of information from the leading site for selling cars in Armenia. The project’s problem lies in the high volatility of prices, and data is non-standardized, making it hard to buy and sell cars in Armenia. We propose an approach based on machine learning techniques for analyzing and processing collected data. To achieve this, two pipelines were developed and tested for the study: one without car images and another using the Resnet18 model, deep learning technology for photo analysis. Interestingly, models trained with image features yielded similar accuracy levels on predictions. Henceforth, an online platform was built on Flask with features enabling users to evaluate their vehicle worth, such as an interactive user interface for entering car attributes and getting price estimates and a statistical graphics page including market analytics. This project contributes to improving the transparency and efficiency of the Armenian car market and opens up new directions for further research in machine learning in the automotive industry.

Keywords: Car Price Forecasting System, Armenian automobiles, Deep learning technologies, Photo Analysis

Students: Levon Yesayan

Supervisor: Arman Asryan


Creating ASR Dataset for Low Resource Languages

In recent years, automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have significantly improved, especially in languages with a vast amount of transcribed speech data. However, ASR systems tend to perform poorly for low-resource languages with fewer resources, such as minority and regional languages. This study introduces a novel pipeline designed to generate ASR training datasets from audiobooks, which typically feature a single transcript associated with hours-long audios. The common structure of these audiobooks poses a unique challenge due to the extensive length of audio segments, whereas optimal ASR training requires segments ranging from 4 to 15 seconds. To address this, we propose a method for effectively aligning audio with its corresponding text and segmenting it into lengths suitable for ASR training. Our approach simplifies data preparation for ASR systems in low-resource languages and demonstrates its application through a case study involving the Armenian language. Our method, which is "portable" to many low-resource languages, not only mitigates the issue of data scarcity but also enhances the performance of ASR models for underrepresented languages.

Keywords: ASR, low-resource languages, dataset creation, alignment.

Students: Ara Yeroyan

Supervisor: Nikolay Karpov

Recommendation System of Hotels based in Rome

My project is aimed to create a recommendation system for hotels in Rome. This will create an opportunity to just chat with the AI assistant and give specific details about what kind of hotel one needs to attend mentioning features like location, street, accommodations, rooms, number of people, purpose, feedback and so on and get the best match for the mentioned needs. The data I’m using is an officially licensed dataset from Airbnb which is appropriate to use for the recommendation system. I used embeddings for each row in the dataset, which gives the opportunity to get the answers for the specific question regarding all the information about the hotels in Rome in a few seconds. Using various techniques that we’ll discuss later I have created an interactive chatbot specialized in hotel recommendations which is easy to use just by transferring your thoughts as an input.

Students: Sona Hakobyan

Supervisor: Vahagn Saghatelyan

Crypto Prediction Pattern Recognition Techniques for Market Analysis

The appearance of cryptocurrencies in financial markets has changed how people think about digital assets and potential variants for investment. This paper aims to explore the implementation of machine learning models to predict cryptocurrency price movements. The BTCUSDT pair has been chosen for the case study. The research methodology includes a review of several papers about machine learning models being used for recognizing patterns in financial markets, the collection of trading data, the preparation of the data for analysis, and the application of ML models that capture dependencies and patterns in price movements. This work aims to contribute to the growing field of financial technology by offering a comprehensive analysis of ML models in cryptocurrency prediction and reliable forecasting tools in the digital finance landscape.

Keywords: cryptocurrency - digital currency, BTCUSDT - the pair of bitcoin and USD tokens, ML - machine learning

Students: Sergey Tovmasyan

Supervisor: Gurgen Hovakimyan

AI Writing Assistant: A Comprehensive Study

This capstone project looks at incorporating artificial intelligence in the writing training, emphasizing the execution and examination of the provision of advanced language models, particularly GPT-2 and GPT-J-6B. The project’s primary purpose was to refine the AI writing apparatus to get the most out of them. The project would be achieved by fine-tuning the models using Project Gutenberg, which has a lot of literary data. The study proposed to uphold the assertion that fine-tuned models will produce a better text in both coherent and contextual appropriateness and when one is required to write in modes such as creative, factual, and technical writing. Contrary to the predictions, the data analysis was done, which showed that the tuned models frequently failed to work better than the default configurations. This suboptimal prediction was caused by problems such as overfitting to the literary styles of the training data, which led to the loss of generalization property and, thus, to poor performance of the models on tasks involving a wide range of tasks and different data. The project also tackled the technical difficulties connected with optimizing the large models of the language and many other areas, such as computational resource management and ethical issues in deployment. The result underlines the complicatedness of establishing AI in writing assistance, raising the necessity of maintaining a balance between the profiling of specialists for individual cases and the covering of a large territory of specialization. Our study is, therefore, another contribution whose purpose is to articulate how AI should contribute to keeping the authenticity of writing with human creativity. At this moment, the research’s primary results will force the interaction process of AI-funded writing in novel directions; instead it will direct future planning for new AI modifications, which will be aimed at practical, ethic and inclusive implementations.

Students: Tigran Boynagryan

Supervisor: Anna Tshngryan

CBA Policy Rate Path Forecasting

This study presents a comprehensive analysis and predictive modeling of the Central Bank of Armenia’s (CBA) policy rate path. Utilizing advanced data scraping techniques and sophisticated machine learning algorithms, this research aims to provide market participants, investors, and policymakers with a robust tool for strategic economic planning and risk management. Historical data from various sources, including the official CBA website and rates from neighboring countries such as Georgia and Russia, were meticulously compiled and analyzed. The study employed several machine learning models from Scikit Learn and some AutoML techniques, with automatic machine learning showing the most promise due to its superior handling of complex datasets and ability to mitigate overfitting. The results indicate that precise and timely predictions of policy rates are crucial for effective economic decision-making and underscore the significant role of advanced analytics in financial policy planning. In this paper you will see my analysis and work for finding the CBA policy rate forecasted path.

Students: Zhora Stepanyan

Supervisor: Arsen Grigoryan

Customer Retention through an API-Driven Survival Analysis within a Microservice Architecture For ”Global Credit” UCO CJSC

Customer retention is crucial for business success, ensuring a steady revenue stream and fostering brand loyalty. Modern companies invest significant resources in customer retention efforts, including improved service, loyalty programs, and personalized experiences. This paper presents a comprehensive approach to enhancing customer loyalty through predictive modeling and data pipelining for ”Global Credit” UCO CJSC, focusing on their CashMe loan product. The project employs survival analysis (the Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) technique) to predict the likelihood of customers returning for another loan, complemented by a data pipeline spanning database setup, modeling, and an API for operational integration. Leveraging Docker for containerization, PostgreSQL for database management, and FastAPI for API development, the project streamlines workflow and facilitates seamless interaction between systems.

Index Terms—loan company, retention, survival analysis, pipeline

Students: Anna Manasyan

Supervisor: Karen Hovhannisyan

Armenian Books Genre Classification

Abstract—This capstone project presents an Armenian Books Genre Classification model designed to predict the genre of a book given details such as the title of the book, author name, description of the book, and name of the publisher. After doing research and identifying available sources, data was scraped from websites of bookstores and online databases. The dataset included 14 features about books belonging to 17 fiction genres. After data preprocessing, methods such as word2vec conversion, imputation of NaN values, Armenian word2vec conversion, and TF-IDF encoding were explored. They were combined with ML algorithms, and several other classifiers, which couldn’t handle NaN values. Additionally, LogisticRegression and Feed Forward Neural Network were used. The best model was built using TF-IDF encoding and CatboostClassifier, which handles NaN values and prevents overfitting. The final model had a high multiclass AUC of 90% and accuracy of 65%. Based on this model, a Streamlit app was built, which allows for real-time testing and exploration of the classifier. Overall, this project helps to successfully automate the tedious task of manually understanding the genre of a new book.

Keywords: Armenian Books, genre classification, word2vec, imputation, Armenian word2vec, TF-IDF encoding, CatboostClas- sifier, ML algorithms.

Students: Anna Shaljyan

Supervisor: Natali Gzraryan

Analyzing Credit Risk Determinants: Machine Learning Approach Using Armenian Credit Registry Data

This paper studies the application of machine learning methods to determine the key parameters influencing default probabilities among bank customers in Armenia. This research project aims to develop a prediction model to minimize the risk of defaults, thereby enhancing risk management processes. By analyzing Armenian Credit Registry’s data about borrowers’ credit histories, demographic information, and credit scores, the study identifies critical determinants of borrowers’ default. The analytical models evaluated in this research include logistic regression, random forest, and XGBoost. Model performance evaluation metrics AUC scores, ROC curves, F1, accuracy scores and confusion matrices are used to assess model efficency. The analysis of the machine learning models identify that XGBoost performs the best in terms of evaluation metrics and effectively identifies the key credit risk determinants. Future research can potentially improve the performance of these models by considering feature engineering and exploring more sophisticated modeling techniques.

Keywords: credit history, consumer loans, risk class, precision, recall, accuracy, learning curves, confusion matrices, roc curve

Students: Anahit Hakobyan

Supervisor: Gevorg Minasyan

Learning Based Approach in the Selectivity Estimation Problem

Coherent query optimization depends on the accuracy of Selectivity Estimation (SE) in generating efficient execution plans. Modern optimization techniques use diverse assumptions, such as predicate independence, when dealing with queries containing multiple predicates. However, in contrast with the advantage of fast estimation time and less memory consumption, they often suffer from large selectivity estimation errors. This capstone thesis presents a comprehensive investigation of selectivity estimation, considering it a regression problem. We explore the application of neural networks and tree-based ensembles to the vital problem of selectivity estimation of multi-dimensional range predicates. Focusing on database system performance, we conducted a deep analysis of several datasets from various fields for collecting and analyzing statistical data, aiming to enhance selectivity estimation within the system. By performing an in-depth statistical evaluation of numerous datasets, we demonstrate that the suggested models produce estimates that are both fast and highly accurate.

Index Terms— Keywords: Relational databases · Query optimizer · Cardinality estimation · Neural Networks · Machine Learning for Selectivity Estimation

Students: Liana Darbinyan

Supervisor: Aleksandr Hayrapetyan

Designing Recommendation Systems for Smartphones Using Algorithmic Approaches

As mobile technology continues to grow and advance in Armenia, people are often overwhelmed by the never-ending array of options, showcasing the need for effective recommendation systems to simplify the decision-making process. Among the most prominent stores, Mobile Centre stands out as the biggest, most recognized retailer throughout the country. Mobile Centre provides opportunities for customers seeking the latest smartphones and mobile accessories. Nevertheless, given the variety of products available, helping consumers find the best smartphones that meets their expectations and needs still is a big challenge. This paper is to suggest ways and implement algorithmic approaches for the recommendation process at Mobile Centre through advanced recommendation engines. Using approaches, these engines will guide customers toward more accurate, need-based recommendations. Some metrics will match smartphones based on similar features, while others will group devices into meaningful clusters, making it easier for customers to explore relevant personal preferences. Moreover, by implementing the suggested recommendation engines further, Mobile Centre will significantly enhance its recommendation process, giving a seamless customer experience. This approach will lead to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty, increasing Mobile Centre’s status as Armenia's top smartphone retailer and also overall improving customer satisfaction with their choices around Armenia.

Students: Elen Petrosyan

Supervisor: Arman Asryan

Exploring Trends in Music Platforms: A Comparative Analysis of Key Factors for Trending Songs on Spotify and YouTube

The music industry is defined by strong branding and public image, which generate success for music-related content, artists, and labels. The music industry has exceptionally high entry barriers for new artists or labels, who often struggle with reaching popularity and success. We have an interest in gaining a thorough knowledge of why certain musical content is more popular than others. To address this inconsistency, we will try to identify the key aspects which have the most influence on the popularity of songs. This study analyses which are the most significant aspects that make a song more popular than others and explores the impact of streaming data on music industry trends and decision-making processes. Performing extensive Exploratory Data Analysis, this research aims to gain insights into the distributions and relationships between different key features. Implementation of various visualization techniques leads us to the analysis of trends and patterns based on the characteristics of the songs. Through the use of machine learning techniques, we further predicted future patterns in music consumption along with providing observations that can help us better comprehend constantly developing digital streaming platforms’ trends and future strategies for commercial success.

Students: Anna Charchyan

Supervisor: Ashot Abrahamyan

Exploring the Impact of Parameters on the Performance of Brain Tumor Segmentation Algorithms in the BraTS Challenge

Accurate segmentation of brain tumors is crucial for correct diagnosis and treatment planning. U-Net segmentation is one of the most successful algorithms in medical image analysis. It has been on the list of top solutions of the BraTS benchmark. This paper does an in-depth analysis of a specific variation of 3D U-Net algorithm with slight modifications of the algorithm’s parameters, namely batch size and training–test data quantity ratio. The data splitted into training and test with ratio 8:2 and batch size 2 (instead of 1) slightly outperformed the original source algorithm’s result. This is because the model has more data to learn from and train on. Also, when training with batch size 2 and concatenating MRI 3D images, the model can see some general patterns he could not observe with batch size 1.

Students: Ela Khachatryan

Supervisor: Varduhi Yeghiazaryan

Success Prediction in IT Studies based on Handwriting Samples

This research investigates methods of handwriting isolation, recognition, and classification to predict student performance in IT domain. Utilizing a dataset of 200 anonymized examination samples from Object-Oriented Programming and Data Structures courses at the American University of Armenia, the study developed a complex image processing and machine learning pipeline. The pipeline, which initially employed histogram matching that was subsequently replaced with advanced contour detection, effectively separates handwritten text from printed material. For handwriting recognition, the Google Cloud Vision API was employed, outperforming other OCR tools by smoothly handling diverse handwriting styles and extracting character-level confidence scores. These scores were essential in identifying patterns that correlate handwriting clarity with academic performance, revealing that higher confidence scores of character predictions correlate with better student performance. Differences in confidence scores between various characters also suggested that context, shape and student performance influence prediction accuracy. Progressing to handwriting classification, the research initially utilized a pre-trained CLIP model from OpenAI, which faced challenges with accuracy and model bias. This led to the development of a custom hybrid model combining a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with a Transformer, significantly improving classification accuracy to 78%. This model used image-based and text-based data, providing a robust tool for predicting student performance.

*The data and all implementations including algorithms, data preprocessing steps, and analysis scripts are available for academic use in GitHub.

Students: Astghik Kostanyan

Supervisor: Aleksandr Hayrapetyan, Suren Khachatryan

A/B testing Powered by Thompson Sampling

This report describes the development and implementation of an A/B testing platform using the Thompson Sampling algorithm with Bernoulli rewards. The project aims to significantly enhance decision-making processes in digital marketing by optimizing testing strategies and improving user engagement. Our product is flexible and can be adapted for use across various business platforms, providing real-time insights in business settings.

Students: Lilit Petrosyan

Supervisor: Karen Hovhannisyan

Armenia’s Automobile and Battery Market Analysis

Abstract—The automotive sector in Armenia has changed in different ways because of global economic shifts, local policy changes, and technological advances. This paper presents a detailed market analysis focusing on the import and export patterns of cars and car batteries, correlating these trends with the demand and distribution of battery capacities. Utilizing data from Armenian Statistical Agency 1 and Car Selling Platform 2, we identify significant market shifts influenced by events such as the 2008-2009 financial crisis, recent tax adjustments, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper also explores the potential for setting up a new car battery retail store(s) in Yerevan, examining optimal store locations, inventory structure, and pricing strategies based on comprehensive market data and predictive analytics. The predictions of the market’s future and geospatial analysis aim to support decision-making for stakeholders planning to invest in growing opportunities in the automotive battery landscape in Armenia.

Index Terms— Car batteries, market analysis, import, export, Armenia, economic trends, predictive modeling

Students: Petros Petrosyan

Supervisor: Aram Butavyan

Building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) System for Academic Papers

This report presents the final results of our capstone project, which focuses on developing a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system designed for navigating through the vast amount of academic papers. The Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system enhances search capabilities by integrating search strategies for retrieving data and LLM models for generating text, addressing the limitations of traditional search engines like Google, which may struggle with interpreting complex, scholarly queries and providing contextually relevant academic insights. Our proposed RAG system seeks to address these challenges by leveraging advanced techniques in document retrieval and natural language processing to offer precise, contextually relevant excerpts in response to user queries. The system utilizes a 2-step vector search using the vector search with cosine similarity metric on an HNSW index on the paper’s abstracts and the papers itself to pass only relevant information to LLM; this enables enhanced data retrieval and contextually aware text generation. This report shows our achievements in implementing various system components, including document retrieval, search methods, text generation, and initial performance evaluation. We experimented with a number of search strategies for knowledge retrieval, found our best-performing RAG search style, experimented with a number of LLMs, and made the final RAG system. We also discuss the encountered limitations, insights gained, and potential avenues for further improvement.

Students: Artashes Mezhlumyan

Supervisor: Anna Grigoryan

Exploring the Linguistic Efficiency of Large Language Models in Armenian Discourse

This capstone project investigates the performance of a Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) processing the Armenian language, a low-resource language in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Although large language models (LLMs) like GPT have proven to be effective and are widely used in processing multiple languages, their performance is somewhat questionable when it comes to Armenian. This is because Armenian is a language with limited available linguistic data and has unique structural characteristics. Through a series of experiments involving different NLP tasks, such as extractive question answering, reasoning, and knowledge access, this study assesses the strengths and limitations of the GPT model. While the results suggest that GPT handles basic tasks well, the performance sharply declines when applied to deep linguistic understanding and context-based problems. Additionally, the research highlights the critical role of high-quality translations and structured prompts in improving the model’s performance for a specific language. The improvements proposed here could significantly enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of GPT models for Armenian and other similar languages, making these tools more applicable in diverse digital communications such as automated customer support, content creation, and educational technologies. This research helps to ensure that lesser-spoken languages are not overlooked in the digital age by evaluating these models comprehensively to improve their accuracy and effectiveness in processing low-resource languages.

Students: Anahit Navoyan

Supervisor: Aram Butavyan